Zig Symmetric Shadowcasting
I now have a Zig translation of my Rust translation of a very nice Python algorithm for field of view!
This is part of a journey that I'm on where I am looking more seriously into Zig for personal projects. Projects like this have been helping to give me a more nuanced and balanced view of Zig, which has a lot of good, but of course also trades off some compared to Rust, C, C++, etc.
In this case I was translating my Rust version of this algorithm, so this was a comparison of a somewhat generic algorithm from Rust to Zig. I will try to write up my findings as I explored a series of designs.
I started out trying to maintain the generic interface from the Rust version. The algorithm asks for a starting position (say of the player) and a callback which can be used by the algorithm to determine if a given tile blocks vision, as well as a callback that the algorithm calls to indicate that a given position is visible. This second callback could append the given tile position to a list, mark it as a flag in a map, etc.
The Rust version uses closures to allow the user to capture their map and result type, which do not need to appear in the function signature at all. This was a little tricky as closures have some complex rules in Rust, and I found a note in the code about how I wanted to provide a better interface, but I couldn't get some lifetime annotations worked out. I understand why Rust makes closures complex, and its not a functional programming language, but it does make this kind of design difficult.
For Zig, I quickly realized that I was going to have to take in the map and result, and function pointers, and just pass these explicitly to the user's functions instead of assuming that they are captured in a closure.
My first design was a function that constructed a struct type, where the function takes in the map and result type. This kind of design seems to come up in Zig fairly often, and in this case it does have some advantages. This staging of type resolution lets you compute and compare types without having to do everything within a single line of a function's type signature.
First, Getting Things to Compile, and Then to Run
I ran into a number of issues in the translation. Most of the bugs where small, simple issues, but some are worth writing down. Much of the translation was mechanical, besides function signatures, and a few areas discussed below.
First, there were a number of places in the Rust code where I used functions like 'map_or', which take lambdas. In Zig, this translates into an 'if' statement, which I preferred for simplicity.
In Rust I had a line "return (min_col..=max_col).map(move |col| (depth, col));" which builds up an iterator that yields pairs, and captures the 'depth' variable from the environment.
In Zig this expanded out to a RowIter struct with a 'next' function. I have mixed feelings about this- on one hand, the RowIter type was easy to write (although I did make a mistake at first which I had to track down), and its very easy to understand. There is no magic there. On the other hand, the Rust version didn't need this code at all.
I also had not previously realized with Zig how the error set becomes part of a function's interface, and how this has to be taken into account with callbacks. A function that calls a generic callback has a different error set depending on the given function which can make it complex to figure out the available errors from a function call like this.
I tried out several concepts with error sets such as allowing them to be inferred and asking the user to provide an error type explicitly. The final design side steps the whole discussion and uses a single error type. This was by far the most extensive look into error sets that I had done in Zig.
One final note on getting this code working was that this algorithm uses a rational number type. In Python, this is in the standard library, and in Rust I used a dependency. In Zig I did not want to pull in dependencies, which is interesting in its own right- Zig is more like C for me where I am more interested in self contained libraries with minimal needs. In Rust its so easy and natural to depend that you get a lot of leverage from the community, while also pulling in (in my experience) huge numbers of libraries and hurting compile time.
Zig does have a Rational type in the standard library, but it is a 'big' rational, meaning that it requires allocation. I didn't want to pull this in as the algorithm does not otherwise require allocation. Instead, I wrote a small Rational type with only the few operations that I actually needed. I had to figure out some rational number concepts which I haven't thought about in a long time, and I made some mistakes, but the result in a non-normalized rational type that does very few operations and requires no allocation.
While debugging this code, I pulled in Zig's big rational type and had all my Rational functions perform operations themselves and through Zig's rational type, asserting that the results matched. This was a nice way to compare my implementation with a pre-existing one without having to come up with every relevant test case myself. The 'compute_fov' function itself provided the test cases by calling into my Rational type, which in turn out assert that its results match Zig's std lib version.
While testing my Rational type, I came across a bug in the Zig standard library, which I filed here. The 'order' and 'orderAbs' functions seem to have their meaning swapped.
The ComputeFov Generic Struct
Note that the InErrorSet seemed to be required so that the compute_fov function could be defined before the user provided the 'mark_visible' function pointer, which is allowed to provide errors.
pub fn ComputeFov(comptime Map: type, comptime Result: type, comptime InErrorSet: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const ErrorSet = InErrorSet || error{Overflow};
map: Map,
result: Result,
pub const IsBlocking = fn (pos: Pos, map: Map) bool;
pub const MarkVisible = fn (pos: Pos, map: Map, result: Result) ErrorSet!void;
pub fn new(map: Map, result: Result) Self {
return Self{ .map = map, .result = result };
pub fn compute_fov(self: *Self, origin: Pos, is_blocking: IsBlocking, mark_visible: MarkVisible) ErrorSet!void {
This concept is fine, and does unpack concepts into multiple lines so you can read the 'IsBlocking' type signature and see what the error set is more easily then packing everything into a single type signature.
However, I didn't think that there was any real need to define a struct with a single usable function that the user then just immediately calls. I think I could have refactored this to remove the 'new' function and just have the 'compute_fov', which would mean a call would look like:
// Construct the type by providing the user's map, result, and error set, and then pass in the map, result, origin position, and function pointers.
var compute_fov = ComputeFov([]const []const isize, *ArrayList(Pos), ErrorSet).compute_fov(tiles[0..], &visible, origin, is_blocking_fn, mark_visible_fn);
I figured I would explore a few more designs that remove this layering and just provide a single function to the user.
A Generic Function Signature
I then tried a single generic function:
pub fn compute_fov(origin: Pos, map: anytype, visible: anytype, is_blocking: anytype, mark_visible: anytype) !void { }
This worked, but rubs me the wrong way a bit. The map, result type ('visible'), and function pointers are all 'anytype'. I would have to explain to the user what they needed to provide, including the function signatures of mark_visible and is_blocking.
Errors would still be caught at compile time, but the lack of information in the type signature means you rely on documentation, similar to macros in Rust, or functions in a dynamic language. Again, compile errors are still better, but I was reluctant to leave the design like this.
I also seem to remember that the error type could not be inferred because 'compute_fov' calls a function called 'scan' which itself calls 'mark_visible', and Zig could not infer that 'scan's error would be a union of its own errors and mark_visible, and then use this to infer 'compute_fov's error set.
I ended up having about 20 lines of type level assertions trying to specify the shape of all of these any types in some detail. I realize that I could have just left them abtract, but I felt like a user was pretty likely to run into weird problems if their types where not just so, and I didn't want to put that on them.
An Explicit, Generic Function Signature
I then tried to expand out my types as explicitly as I could:
pub fn compute_fov(origin: Pos, map: anytype, visible: anytype, is_blocking: fn (Pos, @TypeOf(map)) bool, comptime ErrorSet: type, mark_visible: fn (Pos, @TypeOf(map), @TypeOf(visible)) ErrorSet!void) (error{Overflow} || ErrorSet)!void {
This leads to a very long type signature. I believe it could be cleaned up with some type functions like 'IsBlocking(comptime map: type)', but I didn't get that far. It would have looked something like:
pub fn compute_fov(origin: Pos, map: anytype, visible: anytype, is_blocking: IsBlocking(@TypeOf(map)), comptime ErrorSet: type, mark_visible: MarkVisible(@TypeOf(map), @TypeOf(visible)), ErrorSet!void) (error{Overflow} || ErrorSet)!void {
Instead I ran into an unexpected aspect of type inference in Zig, which is that when I tried to call this function with a slice the inferred type was an array
// tiles has type: [4][]const isize.
// mark_visible_fn has type: fn (pos: Pos, tiles: []const []const isize, visible: *ArrayList(Pos)) !void.
// is_blocking_fn has type: fn (pos: Pos, tiles: []const []const isize) bool.
try compute_fov(origin, tiles[0..], &visible, is_blocking_fn, Allocator.Error, mark_visible_fn);
For example:
./src/main.zig:391:54: error: expected type 'fn(Pos, *const [4][]const isize) bool', found 'fn(Pos, []const []const isize) bool'
try compute_fov(origin, tiles[0..], &visible, is_blocking_fn, Allocator.Error, mark_visible_fn);
The type of the slice 'tiles[0..]' was inferred to be a array of fixed size, even though I explicitly use the '[0..]' syntax to make it a slice!
This would not be a problem except that this map type is later used in the 'is_blocking' and 'mark_visible' function signatures, which require a slice, so Zig complained that its inferred type for map did not match the argument types of the given function pointers, which is true.
I got stuck on this for a while, and ended up getting a lot of help on the Zig Discord.
Help on Zig Discord
Three people helped me with this: 5-142857, pablo, and Tetralux. I shows the code here as a minimal example of the problem.
It was quickly pointed out to me that the compiler had use the more general type of a pointer to an array because that type can be coerced to a slice.
This does make sense, even if it was surprising at first to see my array's size inferred there.
We talked through a series of solutions, including requiring the user to provide a slice, and then asking for its element type, or asking the user to provide a struct type which contains functions with a certain signature that I would call within 'compute_fov'
I did not want to restrict the genericness of the function in this particular way, and I felt bad asking the user to do all of this extra work in order to call my function- it felt like a rather complex contract between caller and callee.
After some discussion I felt like I was better off making the function less generic. One solution that did solve the original problem was to make a struct type holding the slice, and then pass a pointer to this type to 'compute_fov' and the other functions. That way the type was already resolved by explicitly stating it in the struct definition, and the compiler could not infer a different type. However, at this point I was ready to just make the code less generic.
Then Tetralux came up with a solution of a very different nature that I think it worth repeating:
fn NormalSlice(comptime T: type) type {
var ti = @typeInfo(T);
if (ti != .Pointer) @compileError("wanted slice or pointer to an array; given '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'");
ti.Pointer.size = .Slice;
ti.Pointer.is_const = true;
return @Type(ti);
This would be used within the function signature of 'compute_fov', and would normalize the user's type into a slice if it was a pointer.
I wanted to allow non-slice types, so I would have maybe used something like:
fn NormalSlice(comptime T: type) type {
var ti = @typeInfo(T);
if (ti == .Pointer) {
ti.Pointer.size = .Slice;
ti.Pointer.is_const = true;
return @Type(ti);
} else {
return T;
I thought that this was a pretty nice solution in a way- I did not even think to do this kind of explicit type level programming, and if I had I'm not sure I would have come up with this.
I feel like I'm used to trying to convince a compiler to infer the right types itself, instead of explicitly acting on the type to get what I want. This seems like a good concept to have in the tool belt.
However, as Tetralux stated at the time, and I agreed, the level of abstraction here was not really warrented, and makes the code harder to reason able. This is especially true if I were to use this NormalSlice function. Its possible that I could clean up my type signature, split out the logic into separate type level functions, and end up with something that looks clean. However, it would still require a good bit of thought to understand what it was doing.
A Simpler Design
I decided to restrict the way that results are recorded rather then leave that to the user. This resulted in the following signature:
// The error type can now be precomputed. Note that the 'is_blocking' function cannot return an error, and we removed
// 'mark_visible' so there is no longer a need to accomidate a user's choice of error type.
const Error = error{Overflow} || Allocator.Error;
// The new compute_fov function takes a pointer to an arraylist of positions. This allows the user to re-use
// the same arraylist every call if they want.
// After calling 'compute_fov' the user just has to translate an array of positions into whatever format they
// want.
pub fn compute_fov(origin: Pos, map: anytype, visible: *ArrayList(Pos), is_blocking: anytype) Error!void {}
This design has the disadvantage of allocating memory for the array list, which is not necessary if the user had a way to store visiblity in the map itself or something similar. However, the user at least gets to provide the ArrayList, so they could provide a fixed buffer or something similar, or preallocate enough positions for the whole map if that was a problem.
In general I expect this will not really be a problem, and for my own code I expect it not to matter. I hope to use this code at some point, so I will see for myself whether the comprise was worth it.
Alternate Designs
I expect that there are a number of other possible designs here.
C Style
It is clear to me that Zig provides enough features that there is a large design space compared to C. In C I would either have taken function pointers that used "void*" types for user data, or I would have just used fixed data structures, such as a bit map or similar, and put the responsibility on the user to arrange those structures before and after calling my code. The only other C design I could think of would be a huge macro solution which somehow specializes to given user types, but I am not interested in trying this out.
We may be able to duplicate the C design in Zig using 'anyopaque' types instead of void*. I'm not sure whether the casting will all work out, but perhaps it could be done just as in C.
Iterator Style
One design I did consider was converting this whole thing into an iterator which yields visible tiles. Perhaps there could even be some kind of protocol in the return type which allows the iterator to ask the user about whether a tile blocks, and to receive a bool answer before then yielding either a visible position or another question about whether a tile blocks.
The problem with this design is that the algorithm is recursive. I believe I would need to keep effectively an array of explicit stack records recording the recursion depth and current function state. This is just too much work, and doesn't seem to provide enough benefit for my current needs, but it is at least a possible way to design one's way out of this callback problem.
Async Style
Speaking of yielding results, there may be a way to use async as a kind of coroutine style which inverts the control flow back to the user rather then calling down into callbacks. This is somewhat appealing - I don't really like taking callbacks if I can avoid it, but I think bringing in async is too much complexity for a simple algorithm. I would rather simplify the algorithm then explore this at the moment, but it may be worth trying some time.
Zig Thoughts
I feel like this project was a good exploration of Zig for me- it is not yet really using Zig in anger, but it is close. I ran into some subtleties, had to ask for help, and eventually chose to change my goal to better fit Zig rather then translate the code verbatim.
I found some good and some bad here. Some of the good parts were: I really like seeing how allocators are ubiquitous in Zig APIs, I liked how at any place in the code there are fewer complex concepts that tend to come up compared to Rust, and I found that Zig's documentation, while incomplete, was usable along with the standard library source code itself. I like the lack of hidden control flow. I like feeling more in control of my code- that simple solutions are the right ones and there is not as many fancy solutions out there. Finally, I like how easy it is to add tests.
One thing that is a little concerning here is that if I had not happened to use a slice type for my map, I would not have seen the type inference problem. I would have probably written up and used this code without ever knowing that a small difference in types would trigger this mismatch between inferred and given types. This would cause a compilation error, not a runtime error, but it would prefer to not leave a time bomb in my libraries just waiting for someone to go slightly off the beaten path.
It seems like Zig code is a slightly different material then C code. In C, I would expect that a function that compiles will not produce a compilation error one day when it is called in a different way. I'm having a hard time articulating the difference, but I don't find that this happens in Rust or Haskell- there is something about Zig that is a little more 'adhoc', perhaps because those other languages are closer to the theory of parametric polymorphism.
I did also run into one memory management issue with an ArrayList where I passed the ArrayList itself to a function and then used the original variable to check the result. This does not work, as the function's copy of the ArrayList likely allocated memory, invalidating the pointer in the original variable. I quickly realized my mistake, but Rust would never have allowed the code to compile.
I don't have any conclusion for all of this. Programming languages are complicated and the tradeoffs involved are complicated. I am planning on continueing my journey with Zig by working through a concept for a TCL extension library.